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Kolla in trailern för Netflix nya true crime-rysare ”The keepers”

av Karolina Fjellborg


Efter ”Making a murderer” kommer ”The keepers”.
Nu finns en trailer för Netflix nya, lovande true crime-serie att kolla in.


Häromdagen skrev jag om Netflix nya dokumentärserie ”The keepers”, som såklart får en att hoppas på en ny true crime-rökare av ”Making av murderer”-styrka.

Så här beskriver Netflix serien, som får premiär den 19 maj, består av sju delar och är regisserad av Ryan White:

The series opens with the story of Sister Cathy Cesnik, a beloved nun and Catholic high school teacher in Baltimore who went missing on Nov. 7, 1969. Nearly two months later, her body was found – and, to this day, her murder remains unsolved.

The case returned to the spotlight in the 1990s when one of Sister Cathy’s former students – a woman only known as “Jane Doe” – came forward to share her experience of horrendous sexual abuse by the high school’s chaplain. Incredibly, “Jane Doe” revealed she was also taken to Sister Cathy’s undiscovered body and told, “See what happens when you say bad things about people.” Despite this and testimony from other victims and witnesses of abuse, no one was held accountable, and the story was largely unreported outside of Baltimore.

Through conversations with dozens of friends, relatives, journalists, government officials and Baltimore citizens determined to uncover the truth, White pieces together a story that goes beyond the death of a beloved Catholic schoolteacher to encompass clergy abuse, repressed memories and government and religious institutions that he says “at best, dropped the ball over the last 45 years – and, at worst, covered it up.”

Och nu finns det en trailer också:


Abuse, murder, conspiracy.
Fear, lies, corruption.
Strength, hope, justice.
A story buried for 50 years.
Who killed sister Cathy?



Jag har bokat in den 19 maj i kalendern. Gör det du också.



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